Sep 25, 2008

The Idiot Box!

Continuing on the last blog, why must I prescreen my kid’s exposure to TV? What must I do if they have viewed something considered harmless but is in fact the most insidious poison?
Yes, people, it’s not just gory images, profanity or indecency that I must screen my kids from. What about satanic influences such as Wicca presented most appealingly? Kids with special powers who channel spirits to help them carry Herculean heroic stuff?
And what about all those fight video games?
The world’s view of what is righteous, manly and accepted has become so distorted that it is easy even for those of us on the vigil for Satan to be deceived.
And what do we tell them?
We tell them, ”Don’t say that! Don’t do that! Coz it’s rude and reflects badly on you, we say.
Well, they may not always listen… :)… But eventually the message gets across…
Likewise, just like we monitor their speech and actions, so also must we monitor their viewing. Certain images harm their perception of life.
I hear you say, “How am I going to do that? How am I going to control their visual intake?”
That’s why it is important to discuss what they saw in the light of personal values and God’s Word. You can not afford to lose heart. Being proactive means being aware of what children are learning, how they are being entertained, and who is on the other end of the phone. Keep an open line of communication…..I’m trying to do this all myself. If any of you have any new ideas, let me know… I would love to know each and everyone of your experiences.
Being a parent isn’t easy…being a Christian one is tougher! Nevertheless, I know we’ll succeed coz after all…I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!