Sep 25, 2008

BEWARE!! The lion prowlin' n the house!

It amazes me, the things to which kids can be exposed. Shocks me. Frightens me. Even on supposedly safe family viewing channels.
I’m not taking about attire considered respectable nowadays. Nor am I passing judgment on various gyrations that pass as decent dancin’ nowadays.
Recently I came across a program that explored the tomb of Jesus’ family. Found in southern Jerusalem, the program surmised that the tomb is the resting place of the earthly remains of Jesus Christ mainly because the boxes are inscribed with names that match.
While these may or may not be doctored, I would also consider it pretty common to have the names of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Judah and John within a family at that moment in time.
Barring Jesus, they are the most common names even now!
That the makers of this program stand to make a lot of money by attacking Christianity is undisputed.
Also undisputed, is the fact of the Resurrection recorded in the Gospels.
I rest my case.
But how do I explain this to my kids when they ask, “Did they really find Jesus’ bones?”
A child’s faith can be strong, and can be strengthened by weathering such attacks, but often they need assistance in fighting the battles. That’s where we as mothers, aunts, teachers or even plain friends (Yes, I have friends who are 5/6 years old…proud of it too!!) come in. Thank You, God for giving us this desire to teach and guide the next generations.
As I said earlier, it scares me the things they see on TV nowadays. But it also emboldens me. We can help them battle it out thru’ our Savior who strengthens us.