Sep 17, 2008

The Great Commission

I am overjoyed coz I am His! But at the same time, I know I have a big responsibility.

That awes me. It calms me. But it also surprises me. I have been entrusted with thsi task. He believes I can do it for Him. Wow!

The Gospel is for every generation and for all nations. Jesus said, “Disciple the nations”. This responsibility is invested on each one of us. We have to disciple the individuals. The Gospel is not for religious conversion or to change name or culture. It is to disciple every individual living on the face of this earth. It's to share the Good News. Hey! Everybody! Listen Up!! I have a God who sacrificed His Son for me, so that I may live. So that I may enjoy his Eternal blessings! I think its something I would want all of you to share us all. So come on! Join the party!

If you are wondering, how you are gonna do this, well , dont!But when we are connected to a Great Man, our Lord, we will rise to His standard. The Lord will raise you up to the level. If you have a vision, God will give the provision. He will give you the power and the provision. It is not the ability that matters, but the availability.

Go Out! Evangelize!