Mar 23, 2009

Rock On, Triune!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me as I grow in intimacy with the Triune, I can see they all have different personalities.

The Father I relate to is, to my mind, an elderly person, with a big forehead and white hair combed back. No long white beard or any facial hair. Tall and strong with an iron grip. (yea, his handshakes hurt!)

The Son I would see like my Elder Brother. Loving and has all the liberties I would give an elder brother in chastising me. Watches out for me and makes sure I don’t get into unnecessary trouble. The first person I would run to when I’m in trouble. He will get me straight with my Father. Both the Father and Son share the family resemblance in stature. Both are quiet and generally calm in their ways. Slow to anger, but when angry watch out!

The Holy Spirit- Wow! He’s different altogether. I see Him as quick to move, extremely fast in His actions. The Mover and Shaker of today’s times. He’s here and there and everywhere all the time. Never still-quite hyperactive in today’s parenting terms. Quite attractive and “with it”. Very Volatile and the best Army In Command as we launch Warfare. Slighter in stature but equally commanding in Presence.

What I’m coming to say is: The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are not just influences or Power or an unseen presence. All three of them are PERSONS. Any one who knows and feels and wills is a person. Would you say you are who you are because of how you look or what physical traits you have? No, I am who I am coz of the way I think, act, know, feel and desire.

This is where most people go wrong. They think they need to channel this “UNSEEN POWER” to use according to their will. But No! Remember you are made to suit and fulfil His (Their)Purpose. Not vice versa!

Get to know them personally. I love getting to know each of them personally and I love being part of the family. With these strong men around, how could I, weak lil’ me, possibly not be in for a mollycoddle? :D