Mar 1, 2009

The Ripple Effect....

Every decision we make has consequences that ripple out like a stone in pool. Not only are there earthly repercussions but also eternal consequences. The consequences may not play out just in our lives but also in another’s.

Many of these decisions may seem trivial; some of them are serious; a few of them are monumental. Ultimately, they are eternal in their consequences. Getting out of a small but bad decision is very hard— harder than it seems. But each decision tends to lead to other, harder choices. Even decisions like going to a party, getting an education, selecting an occupation , buying shoes that look good (but pinch terribly),hanging out with a wrong crowd coz they make usu look good… it’s not major decisions alone that have eternal consequences.!

How do we take a decision then? How do you teach our children to make a choice that doesn’t hurt them eternally? They must know what to do and when to do it when each decision presents itself.
We need to prepare ourselves and the time to make choices is before we find ourselves in the situation. It’s easier to choose when our emotions aren’t involved and the consequences don’t yet exist. Making some basic decisions early in life will free us from making a lot of troublesome day-to-day decisions later. For example, if we have already decided to live by the Word, we will not have to decide whether we should accept a cigarette or an alcoholic beverage when it is offered to us.

Remember that making no decision at all could be just as deadly as making the wrong decision. When we choose not to witness, either thru word or actions, we are accountable eternally. When you see something wrong happening in church and you do not object to it, or even harbor under the misconception that the elders of the church know better, realize you too will be held accountable. Test everything against the Word. Seek only His Kingdom. Everything else will follow.