If Jesus was as fake as people and other religions claim him to be...If He wasn't really the Son Of God, if He was just a charlatan out to make a quick buck, don't you think he would have said I would spiritually rise up in 3 days.
Wouldn't that have been easier enough to confuse and more difficult to disprove? By raising up the spectre of vagueness and disbelief, A CHARLATAN GAINS ALWAYS!
Why is it we have relics and shrines built to the remains of some saint or the other? How come there are no such relics about Jesus? He transcended in flesh from the Earth once his purpose was fulfilled!
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, rebuilt the temple in three days. For 40 days after the ressurection he was with His people in flesh. He cooked for them. He stayed with them.
Much Thanks to Ravi Zachrias for visiting us in Cochin!!